Pricing Structure Change for Piercing Fees Starting 1 January 2022

Starting in January, I will be changing pricing structure for my piercing fees. Prices for implant grade titanium have increased, which in turn means that the manufacturers of the high-quality jewellery I use are raising prices of their jewellery a minimum of 5%. This price increase meant that I had a tough decision to make. I could either raise my prices across the board to continue to include the initial jewellery downsize in the piercing fee or move to a different pricing structure. I have opted for the latter.I value your custom and pride myself on being able to offer the highest quality jewellery in ASTM-F136 implant-grade titanium and solid 14ct and 18ct gold from leading manufacturers such as Industrial Strength, Anatometal, NeoMetal, Junipurr, and Invictus. I refuse to yield and purchase cheap, inferior quality jewellery as I absolutely will not compromise client safety and the quality of my work.All appointments scheduled for dates after 1 January 2022 will no...
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GUEST POST! Why “Snake Eye” and “Scoop” Piercings are a Very, Very Bad Idea

Preface: Thank you so much to my colleague Stephen Clarke for writing this article to contribute to my blog! He is the owner of Apex Piercing in Antrim, Northern Ireland and has years of professional experience under his belt. Stephen is also the creative brain behind Apex Body Jewellery! Please feel free to visit his social media: @apex_piercingEmail: apexpiercingantrim@outlook.comLadies, gentlemen, and everyone else, I'd like to start by thanking Vesper for allowing me the opportunity to present this article on his blog, and secondly by thanking everyone who elects to read and retain the information contained herein! So the topic of conversation today is tongue piercings, horizontal tongue piercings (snake eyes), and surface tongue piercings (tongue scoops). The reason that traditional tongue piercings are placed centrally is simple and straightforward, it completely bypasses the muscles that the tongue is comprised of, the superior longitudinal muscles, and the vertical and transverse muscles. A precisely placed traditional tongue piercing will heal...
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Jewellery FAQ: Internally Threaded Jewellery: What is It and What is the Difference?

Jewellery FAQ: Internally Threaded Jewellery: What is It and What is the Difference?

~PLEASE NOTE: All posts on my blog are meant as educational posts. They are not intended to shame or offend anyone who has purchased, used, or sold lesser quality jewellery, but rather share knowledge to help clients make an informed choice when deciding what jewellery is best for them. Some may have differing opinions on certain parts of the blog, however I write this having been educated both when I was an apprentice and through conferences and seminars over the course of my career, with only positive intentions and high standards in mind.~Often I am asked why I only use internally threaded implant grade titanium jewellery and what the difference is between internally threaded and externally threaded.Internally threaded means the screw thread is hidden inside the post. The sharp edged screw threads are hidden with internally threaded jewellery so they are more comfortable to insert and wear in a fresh or healed piercing. The post can easily slide in and...
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Under the Microscope: Examining Jewellery With a Macro Lens

As a professional piercer involved in various industry groups and organisations there is wisdom shared among us that isn't able to be divulged to the public due to the fact that they are approved membership only and private. With summer nearly over and Christmas quickly approaching, semi-precious and precious stone body jewellery is a popular choice of present. In an earlier post, I mentioned that not all titanium jewellery is the same. In a group discussion with other piercers earlier this evening, photographs taken by another professional were shared. These photos were taken on the same camera, with the same settings and the same macro lens. None of the pictures have been edited save for cropping. He was kind enough to allow us to share his photographs as he has a macro lens and is able to capture images that are exceedingly close up. Both pieces are Aurora CZ navel bars that are hand polished titanium at different price points as...
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Anodising: What Is It, and Why You Can’t Get Black Anodised Titanium (Part 3 of 3 in the Jewellery FAQ Series)

I carry a range of coloured titanium jewellery pieces and am often asked how the colour is created and why some colours are unavailable. The goal of this post is to explain what anodising is, how the anodising process works, and why certain colours are not available.Polished titanium is naturally silver in colour. As mentioned in my previous posts in this three part series, implant grade titanium is by far the best metal for piercing as the composition of the titanium alloy used in ASTM F136 is tightly bound so that it cannot break down under the skin and release metal particles inside the body meaning that it is fully biocompatible and suitable for long-term wear under the skin.However, some people do not want jewellery that is silver in colour but still desire titanium jewellery. This is where anodising comes in!Anodisation is the process of applying heat or electricity to the titanium. By doing this the refractive properties of the...
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Not All Titanium Jewellery Is Created Equally, or: Why Cheap Jewellery Isn’t Safe Two, Electric Boogaloo

As a preface, I'd like to state that one of the things I have always striven for is providing the highest quality and safest piercing and/or modification experience at the best value for money and price I can possibly offer. Please be cautious of compromising quality for a lower price. This is your body and piercing is a cosmetic implant that should not be taken lightly. Not all piercers are the same, and not all body jewellery is made equally…always research your piercer to see if they are right for you. I posted a bit ago about the dangers of cheap jewellery and have had a few questions from clients asking about titanium that they have purchased from various places online. All titanium jewellery is not the same. Titanium, like many metals, comes in different grades with varying level of purity and quality. Implant-grade titanium (which is the material all my jewellery is made of) is the most appropriate material available...
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A Quick Word of Caution…(Or Why Buying Cheap Jewellery is Not a Good Idea)

Over the course of lockdown I have received quite a few messages from clients who purchased jewellery online from various sources and have had reactions, infections, and other issues with their piercings after changing to the new jewellery. Additionally I have had people who were pierced elsewhere contacting me with issues about their piercings as the piercer who originally performed the piercing was unable or unwilling to help. In these cases, most of the problems could be attributed to poor quality jewellery and improper placement, though the most worrying thread throughout them has been the fact that the piercer did not tell them the metal that was being used or when asked would not disclose the source of the jewellery. I cannot stress enough how important it is to purchase body jewellery from a reputable piercer who will willingly disclose the company who produces their jewellery or reputable online retailer. A reputable online retailer will have their XRF test results certificate...
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OokySpooky Covid Protection and Prevention Protocol

I have had a few clients who have contacted me to make appointments and have asked what they need to do when they arrive to be Covid safe. OokySpooky will be using a few protocols that we kindly ask all clients to follow. ~ Only one person will be allowed in the studio at a time. If necessary, a friend or family member may accompany the client to provide support, but for the most part, I strongly recommend that you come on your own or have anyone accompanying you wait outside. This does not apply to children under 16 as a parent or guardian must be present to sign the consent form and stay with the client. ~ If you must bring someone for emotional support be aware that due to distancing they will NOT be able to be with you inside the studio during the procedure. They will need to wait in the hallway outside. This includes parents and guardians accompanying...
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Can I Have It Pierced With a Ring?

One of the questions I am asked most frequently is if I can pierce nostrils, cartilage, lips, and nipples with a ring rather than a labret stud, nostril screw, or barbell. The answer: Yes, I can...but I recommend against it.Nostril, lip, nipple, and cartilage piercings heal far faster and with fewer complications when they are initially pierced with a straight piece of jewellery. Rings can encourage scarring and in some cases can even cause the piercing to migrate. However, it is still your body so if after taking my recommendations and experience into account you would still prefer a ring it is something we can discuss in further detail at your appointment....
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NFC and RFID Implants Coming Soon!

Vesper will be offering programmable RFID and NFC implants from Bioteq pending further training. The implants are chemically and biologically inert and have been tested in many millions of mammalian insertions plus an increasing number of human situations. Bioteq has worked with the Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency to confirm the legal status of their implants. The implants are pre-loaded inside a sterile injection assembly, which is then used to inject the implant into the hand. It is recommended that it is injected between the thumb and index finger. If you have an NFC implant you can store a small amount of text based data, for example your name, address and contact information. You can potentially clone your work ID card if the system is compatible with the Bioteq implant range. Contactless payments are not currently possible, but the technology is compatible to make this work. The main issue currently is being allowed to integrate the system with credit providers such as...
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